Basics of how to use the orca screenreader

Posted on: 14-2-2024

In this blogpost I will list a few useful orca keybindings for you to use so you can navigate your website using the orca screenreader.

First start orca by going to the terminal and typing orca -s. This starts orca and opens the user preferences screen which allows you to, among other things, change the modifier key, look at keybindings and change the voice.

Useful orca keybindings

The following list assumes you use the laptop layout which means your modifier key is CAPS_LOCK.

keybindings description
orca -s start orca and open the user preferences screen
CAPS_LOCK + s toggle speech
p read a paragraph
SHIFT + p read the previous paragraph
CAPS_LOCK + semicolon (;) read the entire document
m go to the next landmark
ALT + SHIFT + m open a list of all available landmarks on the page which allows you to jump to a selected landmark
CAPS_LOCK + enter read your current location
TAB navigate to the next focusable element
SHIFT + TAB navigate to the previous focusable element
ALT + SHIFT + right arrow Go to the next column
ALT + SHIFT + left arrow Go to the previous column
ALT + SHIFT + down arrow Go to the next row
ALT + SHIFT + up arrow Go to the previous row
CAPS_LOCK + k read the current word
CTRL + right arrow read the next word
CTRL + left arrow read the previous word
right arrow read the next character
left arrow read the previous character

The key combination: ALT + SHIFT + m opens a window containing a list of all avaible landmarks on the webpage you are currently browsing. Allowing you to select one and jump to it. This makes it easy for users to quickly navigate to the main content of the page and shows why it is so important to use landmarks.


You may have to restart firefox if you opened this before opening orca.

Useful resources